Dear God, the 8 year old in me is freaking out right now. It's been nearly 14 FREAKING YEARS since last I played one of these.
Nearly my entire childhood from 2-10 years old consisted of Final Fantasy, Sonic games, and the Sonic X show. Seeing that there was a fangame that pushed all those together got 8 year old me PUMPED, and immediatly played all the Sonic RPG games.
Now, being a 21 year old man, I wasn't sure if I should even bother playing since my interests changed quite a bit over the last 14 years (still love Final Fantasy though. Especially FFIX), and I figured I'd leave my fond memories of the Sonic RPG series untouched... but my childhood self was just SCREAMING for closure after all this time, so here I am, playing Sonic RPG for the last time.
Even back when I played the crap out of these games, I always thought that the combat was stretched out WAY too long, and this one's no exception. The sprite animations in this are very entertaining; they've got that Dragon Ball Z over-the-top action and I love it. Every new attack got be thinking "ooOOooh, what's this one do?" Overall, I'd say this is a solid 4 stars... but
HUGE credit to the creator for even bothering to finish this series in the first place. You just made a lot of people very happy. In my eyes, that's worth 5 stars on its own.